Artist Russel Hulsey

Local Artist, Russel Hulsey, will open a show at the Kentucky School of Art on Sunday, August 28 from 2-4 p.m.

Show will be up from Aug. 28 until September 25.

Gallery talk, Saturday, September 17 at 1:00 p.m. at KSA!

Song to Kerouac, Russel Hulsey 2009

Anti Portraits culls works by Louisville-based Artist Russel Hulsey from 2007-present.  The exhibition consists of sixteen individual works in three categories: Jack Kerouac’s America, Television Families, and a simple, yet refined, tribute to late Artist and friend Stephen Irwin.  All three categories merge together here to form: “Anti-Portraits.”  The artist states, “This exhibition is so-titled because of my interest in portraiture, or rather, what the ‘portrait’ can be.  I hope to approach this age-old tradition with a poetic sensibility, and to push into territories that speak not only to presence but, also to impermanence, action, and memory.” |



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